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GreenLight Laser Therapy uses a laser to remove prostate tissue. The laser treatment is delivered through a thin, flexible fiber, which is inserted into the urethra through an instrument called a cystoscope.
W Szpitalu Medicover posiadamy najnowocześniejszego robota da Vinci X wyposażonego w laser FireFly pomagający wykrywać przerzuty do węzłów chłonnych czy ocenić ukrwienie brzegów tkanki w zabiegach rekonstrukcyjnych.
At Medicover Hospital we have the state-of-the-art da Vinci X robot equipped with the FireFly laser which helps detect lymph node metastases or assess blood supply to tissue margins in reconstructive procedures.
12 lip 2023 · Greenlight laser prostatectomy (GLLP) is a treatment that can help patients who struggle to pass urine. In his latest online article, renowned consultant urological surgeon Mr Marcus Cumberbatch offers his expert insight into this treatment.
The GreenLight™ Laser Therapy System employs photo-selective vaporization (PVP) to remove the tissue blocking the prostate and reduce lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS).
The GreenLight Laser is used in the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), commonly known as enlargement of the Prostate. GreenLight laser treatment is a therapy that evaporates prostatic tissue which is blocking the outlet of the bladder.
Greenlight Laser PVP. There are several different types of laser treatment available including Greenlight laser PVP (Photoselective vaporisation of the prostate), Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) and the Thalium laser which may be used to vaporise or enucleate.