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Pronomi combinati to połączenie zaimków osobowych dopełnienia dalszego (mi, ti, gli, le, ci, vi) oraz zaimków dopełnienia bliższego (lo, la, li, le) lub partykuły ci/ne. Kombinacja obu tych grup zaimków odpowiada na pytania: komu? oraz kogo, co?, np.:
9 mar 2024 · Italian has seven definite articles – il, lo, la, l’, le, i, gli – used in specific situations based on a set of rules. However, don’t worry – while properly using articles in Italian will take some practice, this article breaks things down clearly for beginners.
In Italian, it’s very common to use a direct object pronouns and an indirect object pronoun s together before a verb. This use appears in chunks like me lo, te lo, ce lo, ve lo, etc, and happens when we want to replace both the direct and indirect objects in a sentence or question.
When used after a preposition, they are explicit and they always follow the verb. The explicit complement pronouns are: ME (me) TE (you) LUI, LEI (him, her, it) NOI (us) VOI (you) LORO (them) Examples: Ha sempre parlato bene di sua sorella → di lei (He has always said good things about his sister → about her)
Włoski rodzajnik określony wskazuje na rzeczownik, który jest nam znany bliżej. Używamy go, gdy mówimy o czymś ściśle określonym lub jedynym. l' (w liczbie mnogiej le) używamy przed rzeczownikami rodzaju żeńskiego zaczynającymi się od samogłoski. Kiedy używamy rodzajnika określonego? Ho comprato un tavolo. Il tavolo è fatto di legno. Kupiłem stół.
lo, la, li, le, ne. = Combined Pronoun! Remember, the indirect pronoun comes first and usually has an -e at its end, then the direct pronoun. N.B. Only third person combined pronouns (the ones beginning with ‘gli/le/Le’ in the list above) form a single word. In all other cases, the two pronouns remain separated.
Lei sta scrivendo un libro. (She's writing a book.) you (formal; spelled as "lei" or "Lei")