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  1. LAIR definition: 1. a place where a wild animal lives, often underground and hidden, or a place where a person…. Learn more.

    • Lair

      LAIR translate: 獸穴,獸窩;(人的)藏身處,躲藏處. Learn more in the...

    • Polski

      LAIR definicja: 1. a place where a wild animal lives, often...

    • Laissez-faire in English

      LAISSEZ-FAIRE definition: 1. unwillingness to get involved...

    • Lairy

      LAIRY definition: 1. behaving in a loud, excited manner,...

    • Dens

      DEN definition: 1. the home of particular types of wild...

    • Italiano

      LAIR - definizione, significato, pronuncia audio, sinonimi e...

    • Pronunciation in English

      LAIR pronunciation. How to say LAIR. Listen to the audio...

    • Laird

      LAIRD definition: 1. a Scottish man who owns a large area of...

  2. Someone's lair is the particular room or hiding place that they go to, especially when they want to get away from other people. [ informal ] Green recounts how he once went to see Bremner in his lair.

  3. LAIR meaning: 1. a place where a wild animal lives, often underground and hidden, or a place where a person…. Learn more.

  4. lair - tłumaczenie na polski oraz definicja. Co znaczy i jak powiedzieć "lair" po polsku? - legowisko, nora; kryjówka (dla przestępcy, złodzieja); szpaner, lanser.

  5. 23 maj 2022 · Do you hear about slang words, but can't really figure them out enough to recognize them? No worries: Browse this list of slang examples and get better acquainted.

  6. Discover everything about the word "LAIR" in English: meanings, translations, synonyms, pronunciations, examples, and grammar insights - all in one comprehensive guide.

  7. A lair is a wild animal's den. If you ever find yourself in a forest and face to face with a bear trying to lure you into his lair, beware! He may be plotting to eat you.

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