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Based on our algorithmically generated price prediction for Labubu, the price of LABUBU is expected to decrease by 227.13% in the next month and reach $ 0.000988 on Dec 16, 2024. Additionally, Labubu’s price is forecasted to gain 179.53% in the next six months and reach $ 0.000844 on May 15, 2025.
The Labubu price prediction for next week is between $ 0.00003180 on the lower end and $ 0.00004052 on the high end. Based on our LABUBU price prediction chart, the price of Labubu will increase by 27.42% and reach $ 0.00004052 by Nov 25, 2024 if it reaches the upper price target.
Based on our algorithmically generated price prediction for LABUBU SOL, the price of LABUBU is expected to decrease by 226.87% in the next month and reach $ 0.005087 on Jan 1, 2025. Additionally, LABUBU SOL’s price is forecasted to gain 179.32% in the next six months and reach $ 0.
Labubu Price Prediction for 2025 In 2025, our analysis predicts Labubu to be traded between a low of $0.00001203 and a high of $0.07144 . Furthermore, with the analysis of market sentiment, we project an average trading price for LABUBU at approximately $0.02502 in 2025.
Below is forecasted price for every month in 2024. In 2025, our analysis predicts Labubu to be traded between a low of $0.000000000025 and a high of $0.0001185. Furthermore, with the analysis of market sentiment, we project an average trading price for LABUBU at approximately $0.00003920 in 2025.
In 2025, our analysis predicts LABUBU SOL to be traded between a low of $0.0009149 and a high of $0.1368. Furthermore, with the analysis of market sentiment, we project an average trading price for LABUBU at approximately $0.07955 in 2025. Detailed monthly predictions for 2025 are provided below.
According to our long-term Labubu price prediction, the price of LABUBU will reach an average of $0.0004624 by the end of 2024, rising to $0.0007942 by the end of 2025 and $0.002067 by the end of 2030. According to the analysis, Labubu's short-term price forecast is positive, indicating an expected increase in value in the coming months.