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  1. The NCAGE Code Request Tool allows users to search, request, and update NCAGE codes for NATO and non-NATO entities.

  2. Najpierw ustalmy co to jest kod NCAGE. W wolnym tłumaczeniu: jest to kod nadawany przedsiębiorstwu umożliwiający Klientom (MON, WP, inne armie NATO) odszukanie przedsiębiorstwa w bazie dostawców po rodzaju dostarczanego towaru lub usługi.

  3. Building Code Requirements. For occupancies such as stores, apartments, offices, and other commercial and industrial uses, building codes commonly require floor/ceiling and wall assem-blies to be fire-resistance rated in accordance with standard fire tests.

  4. USG provides resources here for our UL wall assemblies for seamless integration into any construction project. These wall assembly files are used for planning and estimation purposes for many UL wall types, such as fire-rated wall assemblies.

  5. Many are specifying LP® FlameBlock® Fire-Rated Sheathing because it meets code requirements for fire-resistant construction while potentially providing faster and easier installation than assemblies that use exterior gypsum and structural panels.

  6. Two-hour, three-hour, and four-hour rated walls require additional protection of penetrations, since they must resist higher temperatures than a onehour rated wall, and - for a longer...

  7. The one- and two-hour ratings are intended to describe how long the assembly will maintain its structural capabilities when exposed to fire. During testing, each assembly is loaded to 100 percent of its design load and then exposed to flames to determine its endurance performance.

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