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English translation of lyrics for Kingdom Of Love (From One Night With The King) by Shani.
The lyrics to the Persian song "Kingdom of Love" by Shani are a beautiful and poetic declaration of love and admiration. The first line, "Ziba malekeh hamra he shah ba jaho jalal," can be translated to "Beautiful queen, the sun with magnificent splendor."
We have lyrics for these tracks by SHANI RIGSBEE: Gole Sangam Gole sangam gole sangam Chibe gam az dele tangam Mesle af ta… Somnia Memorias Siento que estuve en un viaje y que vengo de lejos tanto…
Lyrics for Kingdom of Love by Shani. Ziba Malakeh Hamra he shah Bah ja ho jalal Ziba Malakeh Hamra he shah Miad as rah Ziba Malakeh Hamra he shah Bah Ja ho jalal Ziba Malakeh Hamra he shah Miad as rah. Report a problem. Writer(s): j.a.c. redford Exclusive offer. Get up to 3 months of free music.
Find Kingdom Of Love (From One Night With The King) lyrics, a song performed by Shani : Ziba malekeh hamra he shah ba jaho jalal Ziba melekeh hamra he shah
What are the lyrics to the song "Kingdom of Love" by Shani? The lyrics in Farsi are: Ziba malekeh hamra he shah ba jaho jalal. Ziba melekeh hamra he shah. Miad as rah. English translation: The beautiful queen and king are coming in all their glory. The beautiful queen and king have arrived. HOPE IT HELPED =]]]] 6:17 PM. No comments: Post a Comment.
Shani Rigsbee - Kingdom Of Love (From One Night With The King) (Letra y canción para escuchar) - Ziba malekeh hamra he shah ba jaho jalal / Ziba melekeh hamra he shah / Miad as rah / Ziba malekeh hamra he shah ba jaho jalal / Ziba melekeh hamra he shah