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11 cze 2020 · A kin is where you (heavily) connect or relate with a character, for example you have the same problems in life, trauma, or same ideals in life.
11 cze 2020 · a kin is a character (or characters, you can have more than one kin) you associate/identify with. kins are to help you express yourself, comfort you etc. I kin shuichi saihara from drv3.
Kin A shorter version of kinfolk ; meaning one's family. Someone who is connected to you by blood or marriage, i.e. your kinsman, kinswoman , kindred , relation, relative.
Discover everything about the word "KIN" in English: meanings, translations, synonyms, pronunciations, examples, and grammar insights - all in one comprehensive guide.
what does 'kin' mean slang? Do you mean "-kun"? It's a Japanese honorific that goes untranslated sometimes because it's attached to people's names. Kin is an old-fashioned way of saying family. However, it's not really slang.
6 meanings: 1. a person's relatives collectively; kindred 2. a class or group with similar characteristics 3. → See next of kin.... Click for more definitions.
Learn how to pronounce "KIN" perfectly with the help of audio samples and videos