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The functional unit of the Kidney. The function of the nephron is to filter the blood by regulating the concentration of water and salts. It does this by reabsorbing what is needed and excrete the rest as urine.
- Biology: Unit 2 - Kidneys & Nephrons Diagram - Quizlet
Start studying Biology: Unit 2 - Kidneys & Nephrons. Learn...
- Bio 2 Anatomy of Nephron Diagram - Quizlet
Start studying Bio 2 Anatomy of Nephron. Learn vocabulary,...
- Biology: Unit 2 - Kidneys & Nephrons Diagram - Quizlet
Start studying Biology: Unit 2 - Kidneys & Nephrons. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.
Start studying Bio 2 Anatomy of Nephron. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.
Kidney and Nephron Labeling Quiz quiz for 9th grade students. Find other quizzes for Biology and more on Quizizz for free!
5 kwi 2021 · Students practice labeling the urinary system with this drag and drop activity. Three slides have detailed images of the kidneys, ureters, and nephrons.
The nephron's primary function is to filter waste from the blood. The nephron has three major parts: the glomerulus, the Bowman's Capsule, and the tubules, which consist of the promimal and distal tubule and the Loop of Henle. Blood enters the kidney from the renal artery and moves into the glomerulus, where filtration occurs.
31 gru 2020 · The human kidneys are two bean-shaped organs, one on each side of the backbone. They represent about 0.5% of the total weight of the body, but receive 20–25% of the total arterial blood pumped by the heart. Each contains from one to two million nephrons. Figure Human kidneys