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- Structure of a Cell
Structure of a Cell - Biology - Khan Academy
- Chemistry of Life
Chemistry of Life - Biology - Khan Academy
- DNA as the Genetic Material
DNA as the Genetic Material - Biology - Khan Academy
- Energy and Enzymes
Search for courses, skills, and videos. Our mission is to...
- Ecology
Ecology - Biology - Khan Academy
- Plant Biology
Learn about plant biology, including photosynthesis, plant...
- History of Life on Earth
History of Life on Earth - Biology - Khan Academy
- Cell Division
Cell Division - Biology - Khan Academy
- Structure of a Cell
Biology at Khan Academy explores life in all its forms, from humans to bacteria and how living things convert energy, grow, and reproduce. The course covers key biological molecules, the role of DNA, and the complexity of cells.
26 cze 2023 · Welcome to High School Biology! In this course, we will explore the beauty of life, from tiny cells to complex ecosystems. We'll explore organism structure, cellular energy, genetics, evolution,...
Zapraszamy Cię do skorzystania z zasobów Khan Academy i nauki Biologii na poziomie rozszerzonym. Masz do dyspozycji filmy, artykuły oraz ćwiczenia z pytaniami wielokrotnego wyboru. Przypomnij sobie ważne zagadnienia z dziedziny biochemii, biologii komórki, genetyki, ewolucji i ekologii.
Our interactive practice problems, articles, and videos help students succeed in math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, and many other topics.
28 lut 2018 · Proteins, large biomolecules or macromolecules, play a vital role in almost every biological process. They are made up of chains of amino acids, which are their building blocks. These chains,...
Naszą misją jest zapewnienie bezpłatnej, światowej klasy edukacji dla wszystkich i wszędzie. Korzystasz z Khan Academy w języku polskim?