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  1. 14 lip 2022 · Sea kelp has many health benefits thanks to its nutrient content. But taking kelp supplements can have serious side effects, as they may contain too much iodine and harmful amounts of arsenic, a toxic heavy metal.

  2. 9 wrz 2021 · Similarly, a 40-year-old woman developed liver damage (hepatotoxicity) after drinking an herbal tea that contained kelp 3 times a day over 2 months. From the excessive iodine, the thyroid glands swelled, leading to hypothyroidism and reducing liver function [78, 79, 74]

  3. 6 lut 2023 · Kelp to rodzaj wodorostów, będący składnikiem diety wschodnioazjatyckiej. Kelp jest pełen składników odżywczych i przeciwutleniaczy, a potencjalne korzyści zdrowotne wynikające z jego stosowania są ogromne. Może zwalczać niedobór jodu, pomagać w cukrzycy i zapobiegać zakrzepom krwi.

  4. Side effects associated with the overproduction of thyroid hormone include sweating, fatigue, loose stools and unintended weight loss, Flora Health Herb Encyclopedia reports. If you develop any of these side effects while taking kelp tablets, contact your medical provider as soon as possible.

  5. 27 gru 2022 · A nutrition pro highlights kelp's dietary health benefits, including essential nutrients and a potential metabolism boost. Plus, some tips for cooking kelp.

  6. 11 lut 2024 · While understanding the right dosage of sea kelp is crucial for reaping its benefits, it’s also important to be aware of its potential side effects. Sea kelp, though packed with nutrients, isn’t without its downsides, and you should be mindful of these risks to ensure your health stays on track.

  7. In fact, of the several symptoms recorded after the patient initiated use (and overdose) of the product, only four symptomsweakness, nausea, vomiting, and possibly erythemaare identified in the presented “clinical manifestations of chronic arsenic exposure.”

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