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  1. Reemployment Assistance benefits, also known as unemployment compensation, provides temporary assistance to qualified people who are out of work through no fault of their own. Use the Reconnect system to apply for these benefits online.

  2. › Claimant › BenefitsUI Online - Connect

    UI Online - Connect is the official portal for Florida's Reemployment Assistance Program, providing benefits and services for claimants and employers.

  3. Claimant Portal is the secure, self-service system you can use to manage your unemployment benefits account with Alabama Department of Labor. Apply for an unemployment insurance benefits claim. File a weekly certification application for benefits. Manage your profile and account information. Access claim and issue details.

  4. › Reemployment-Assistance-Service-Center › reemploymentReconnect Claimant Login -

    Login to finish your reemployment application, begin a new application, or request your weekly benefits. Reconnect is Florida’s Reemployment Assistance claims system used by claimants, employers, and third-party administrators.

  5. › Reemployment-Assistance-Service-Center › reemploymentClaimants -

    Reconnect provides online access for claimants to apply for benefits, view and maintain claimant account information, view claim status and payments, view overpayment balance and make payments.

  6. MyACCESS is a portal where Floridians can get and manage benefits online. This includes food assistance (SNAP) formerly food stamps, cash aid (TCA), and affordable health coverage (Medicaid)

  7. You may apply for Florida unemployment benefits either in person at your local CareerSource center, or online at If applying in person, please call your local CareerSource center to confirm its hours of operation before you visit.