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Within this site you will find general information about the District and the ad-valorem property tax system in Texas, as well as information regarding specific properties within the district. Our Mission: “Improving and maintaining the accuracy and uniformity of appraisals of all property in Kaufman County”.
Information provided for research purposes only. Legal descriptions and acreage amounts are for Appraisal District use only and should be verified prior to using for legal purpose and or documents. Please contact the Appraisal District to verify all information for accuracy.
Kaufman Property Search HOME. Kaufman Property Search. Are you sure you want to log out? Yes No Search. Email Share Tweet. Property ID: 205335 For Year 2021 ... Print . Print Summary View Print Detailed View; Map DISCLAIMER Property Details Back to Top. Account; Property ID: 205335 ...
Most up-to-date Appraisal Data in Text format (.TXT) export containing current property and ownership information with certified value. This compressed zip archive (.zip) also contains a file layout that defines each file found in the zip file.
If you are searching by address, try entering only the street number and street name, leaving off any prefix or suffix. Such as 123 Main, instead of 123 NE Main Ave. If you are searching by account number, it must match the account number assigned by the Appraisal District.
Search our database of Kaufman County residential land records by address for free, including property ownership, deed records, mortgages & titles, tax assessments, tax rates, valuations & more.