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  1. 29 lut 2024 · DoF Calculator is a simple depth of field calculator for photographers. Calculate the hyperfocal distance, near focus limit, far focus limit and depth of field for the chosen settings....

  2. This calculator will help you assess what camera settings are required to achieve a desired level of sharpness. Depth of field is one of the most powerful creative tools in photography and, to help you master it, we've prepared a DoF guide with lots of love.

  3. DOF simulator - Fotograficzny kalkulator głębi ostrości z funkcją wizualnej symulacji rozmycia tła i bokeh. Aktywuj tryb zaawansowany aby skorzystać ze wszystkich funkcji aplikacji. Rozmiar matrycy można również określić wyszukując aparat w bazie urządzeń.

  4. Calculates camera depth of field and background blur and simulates it on a photo for any lens, camera and distance combination with different types of lens blur (bokeh).

  5. 27 lut 2018 · Download DOF Calc For Windows 10.8.1 - Calculate the minimum distance, maximum distance, as well as depth of field based on several variables: aperture, sensor type, distance to...

  6. › other › depth-of-fieldDepth of Field Calculator

    26 lip 2024 · This depth of field calculator, or DoF calculator, will help you take more fantastic portrait and landscape shots by understanding your camera better when it comes to the depth of field. Take your depth of field photography to the next level with a solid understanding of:

  7. Use the actual focal length of the lens for depth of field calculations. The calculator will automatically adjust for any "focal length multiplier" or "field of view crop" for the selected camera.