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  1. Tygodniowy standaryzowany Kt/V (stdKt/V), to sposób pomiaru adekwatności dializy. Zaleca się stosowanie go, gdy częstotliwość zabiegów jest większa niż 3 w tygodniu.

  2. Skorzystaj z prostych kalkulatorów medycznych i sprawdź różne parametry Twojego zdrowia. Dla pacjenta. Pierwsza wizyta w poradni. Jak się przygotować do pierwszej dializy. Lista ośrodków dializ. Dializy gościnne. Baza wiedzy. Aktualności.

  3. DaVita - Medical calculators. Home / Medical calculators. eGFR. The estimated glomerular filtration rate assesses the filtration function of the kidneys and is calculated from some basic laboratory and demographic data. a. MDRD formula. eGFR = 175 x [S creat] -1,154 x [age] -0,203 x [0,742 for female x [1,21 for black race]]) Gender. Age (years)

  4. Use this GFR Calculator tool to help you determine which stage of kidney disease you are in currently. What Your GFR Result Means. Completely healthy kidney function is measured at a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of around 100, which means that the kidneys are working at 100 percent.

  5. › gfr-calculatorGFR Calculator

    The GFR (glomerular filtration rate) Calculator estimates GFR values based on factors including serum creatinine value, age, race, and gender. For comparison purposes, the results for three prevalent formulas used for estimating GFR are provided.

  6. Narzędzia i kalkulatory cukrzycowe które pomogą obliczyć HbA1c, dokładność glukometru, BMI, przeliczyć jednostki glikemii czy minimalną ilość kalorii.

  7. Use DaVita's GFR Calculator to figure out a GFR. This calculator uses the formula for adults only. It will ask you to provide: Age (GFR decreases with age.) Serum creatinine (Measures waste product in the blood that comes from muscle activity.)

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