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2 mar 2021 · Renamed Toei Sonic to Junio Sonic; Added Command "freeaim" allowing you to freely aim the Bullet Dash. Perfect for mouse aiming; Enabled dashmode for Super; Added Super flying frames
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character character: sonic the hedgehog collab group: sonic...
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2 mar 2021 · character character: sonic the hedgehog collab group: sonic the hedgehog high resolution lua reusable content srb2 v2.2.x
Also updated Junio Sonic and MC Sonic models with a new walk and dash animation(from the Sonic CD pencil test), and fixed some oversights I'd previously missed. Delete and replace previous versions of the FZN folder, and models.dat lines.
JUNIO SONIC in SRB2 (v2.2 UPDATED)! - YouTube. He's back! Oh and a sprite sheet is included below in the download thread.Download the Mod:...
Mods & Resources by the Sonic Robo Blast 2 (SRB2) Modding Community.
26 cze 2023 · This accurately recreates the classic sonic moveset from each move coming from each game (even if they were bundled together in Mania), I love how this even included colors from those games! Upvote 1 Downvote
3D Models Mods for Sonic Robo Blast 2 (SRB2)