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Plant database entry for Hosta 'June Fever' with 36 images and 16 data details.
Hosta Finder 2005, Page 61 & 142, Average price $22.50 277 W No C No IA No Sec IV Class 6A AHS Photos Hosta Library photo from Hugo Philips, Sec IV Class 6A JF No XT No Origin Sport Zonneveld 0 Lemke’s Hosta Database Zilis 0 Malloy 0 Mikolajski 0 RC Wade 0 DNA Parentage Code 279> 911> HSJ Page No. No CEH 0 Pod 0 Pollen 0
Odmiana funkii o błyszczących żółtych liściach z zielonym obrzeżeniem, uzyskana jako sport odmiany ‘June’, wyhodowana przez Jana van den Top i Dannego van Eechaute w 2004 roku. Średnich rozmiarów kępiasta bylina osiągająca 40 cm wysokości i do 80 cm średnicy.
The HostaLibrary is the largest and most comprehensive information resource for the Genus Hosta. It features photos of thousands of hosta cultivars and much other information. Photos are submitted by numerous contributors and generally are accurate representations of the cultivar.
All about hosta June Fever: info, description, pictures, sports, registration, database
Strona odmiany uprawnej Hosta June Fever; charakterystyka, zastosowanie, wymagania, uprawa, fotografie.
New England Hosta Society: This is the non-profit educational organization that created this booklet. The website contains an overview of the society, membership information, calendar of events including members-only garden tours, pictures of hosta, local hosta specialty nurseries and meetings.