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  1. 31 lip 2015 · While template-string interpolation formatting is not available as a built-in, you can get equivalent behavior with Intl.NumberFormat: const format = (num, fraction = 2) => new Intl.NumberFormat([], { minimumFractionDigits: fraction, maximumFractionDigits: fraction, }).format(num); format(5.1234); // -> '5.12'

  2. 14 lis 2012 · Template literals are literals delimited with backtick (`) characters, allowing for multi-line strings, string interpolation with embedded expressions, and special constructs called tagged templates.

  3. jsPDF can be imported just like any other 3rd party library. This works with all major toolkits and frameworks. jsPDF also offers a typings file for TypeScript projects. You can add jsPDF to your meteor-project as follows: jsPDF requires modern browser APIs in order to function.

  4. Complete JavaScript String Reference. The reference contains descriptions and examples of all string properties and methods.

  5. Create and modify PDF documents in any JavaScript environment. Create PDF documents from scratch, or modify existing PDF documents. Draw text, images, and vector graphics. Embed your own fonts. Even embed and draw pages from other PDFs. Written in TypeScript and compiled to pure JavaScript with no native dependencies.

  6. 15 lip 2023 · Template literals, also known as template strings, are a new feature introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6) that provide an easier and more readable way to interpolate variables within strings in JavaScript.

  7. One such feature is template literals, also known as template strings. These provide an elegant way to create multiline strings and perform string interpolation. In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive deep into the world of template literals, exploring their syntax, benefits, and various use cases.

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