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The Jim Gaffigan Show is an American sitcom written and executive produced by comedian Jim Gaffigan and his wife Jeannie Gaffigan. Gaffigan stars as a fictionalized version of himself as a stand-up comedian raising five children in a two-bedroom New York City apartment.
21 gru 2021 · In August 2016, two months after its Season 2 premiere, Jim and his wife, Jeannie Gaffigan, announced they decided not to bring the show back for a third season. It was Jim and Jeannie's choice to end the show.
22 sie 2016 · In a statement posted to social media site WhoSay, Gaffigan wrote on behalf of himself and his wife, Jeannie: “After months of discussion Jeannie and I have decided to make season 2 of ‘ The...
22 sie 2016 · TV Land ‘s The Jim Gaffigan Show will end with its second season. Star, creator and exec producer Jim Gaffigan made the announcement Monday via Twitter with a post explaining the...
22 sie 2016 · After two seasons on TV Land, Jim Gaffigan and his wife/co-writer Jeannie decided to end this family sitcom in August so they could spend more time with their (real) children. Courtesy of...
23 sie 2016 · Last night’s episode, “The Mike Gaffigan Show,” was the TV series finale. Ashley Williams co-starred as Jim’s wife Jeannie. The series cast also included Adam Goldberg, Michael Ian Black,...
23 sie 2016 · If you hadn’t heard the news, TV Land has decided to end The Jim Gaffigan Show following a mutual agreement between the network and Gaffigan. The comedian starred on the show and his wife...