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Jhin wins against Jinx 51.46% of the time which is 3.63% higher against Jinx than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Jhin wins against Jinx 1.61% more often than would be expected. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Jhin build & runes against Jinx.
For this guide on countering Jinx as Jhin, we analyzed 23,544 matchups from recent LoL games. We use rigorous data cleaning and processing methods to ensure that our counter stats are of the highest quality.
Discover the ultimate counters for Jhin with our comprehensive guide. Learn who counters Jhin in lane and throughout the game, turning the tides in your favor. Explore effective Jhin counters and strategies to outplay your opponent.
Jinx wins against Jhin 52.23% of the time which is 4.26% higher against Jhin than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Jinx wins against Jhin 2.17% more often than would be expected. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Jinx build & runes against Jhin.
Our comprehensive guide details data on every matchup, in your case: Jinx vs Jhin. We get the data from Riot API, then calculate and come up with an in-depth evaluation of thousands of ranked matchups statistics. Currently, Jinx has a slight disadvantage against Jhin due to their 48.14% Win Rate. Switcheroo! Zap! Flame Chompers!
Discover the ultimate counters for Jhin with our comprehensive guide. Learn who counters Jhin in lane and throughout the game, turning the tides in your favor. Explore effective Jhin counters and strategies to outplay your opponent.
Optimize your gameplay with our extensive guide to Jhin's abilities. From passive to ultimate, our detailed guide covers everything you need to become a dominant force with Jhin. Jhin stats, builds, and guides against Jinx. Jhin vs Jinx counters and stats.