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  1. Welcome to our 6th episode of "Open Range with Jamie Rohrbaugh". This is the 6th of 9 episodes that are currently airing on various Christian stations around the USA. We are so thankful for our readers and partners for making this happen.

  2. 29 kwi 2020 · Through Jamie’s inner healing conferences, both internationally and at home, and a proprietary, formal inner healing path, she says she has seen tremendous results. A great deal of her work at From His Presence, however, is done through her website,

  3. Read reviews from the world’s largest community for readers. 555 Biblical names of God and how to use them in prayer and worship.

  4. The book Rees Howells, Intercessor by Norman Grubb changed my life. And if you’re a Christian and want to walk in the Spirit, growing in the power. I was a new Christian and someone recommended the book to me.

  5. Jamie Rohrbaugh is the author of Praying the Names of God (4.00 avg rating, 1 rating, 1 review)

  6. From His Presence with Jamie Rohrbaugh. 9,519 likes · 142 talking about this. Christian ministry dedicated to equipping you to walk in wholeness, power, and wealth by God's Word.

  7. Take Your Territory with Jamie Rohrbaugh is the motivational, inspiring podcast where I challenge you to go out and walk in the destiny that GOD has for you! With prophetic words, prayers, and practical tips about victory, entrepreneurship, and the blessed life, listen to Take Your Territory if you want to see your dreams manifest on the earth!

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