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  1. In synthesis reactions, two or more reactants come together to form one compound. A + B Æ AB Complete the following word equations, and write and balance the formula equation.

  2. Organic Chemistry Jasperse Acid-Base Practice Problems A. Identify each chemical as either an “acid” or a “base” in the following reactions, and identify “conjugate” relationships.

  3. Organic Chemistry Jasperse Acid-Base Practice Problems A. Identify each chemical as either an “acid” or a “base” in the following reactions, and identify “conjugate” relationships.

  4. mechanisms for the basic set of EAS reactions. Now let’s do some Synthesis problems. Remember what we talked about in the last video dealing with EAS Synthesis problems: • Identify substituent relationships with one another in the product (ortho, meta, para)

  5. › uploads › 2018/04/20-organic-chemistry-synthesis-iedxcel20 Synthetic Routes - chemrevise

    20 kwi 2018 · If the sample is very pure then the melting point will be a sharp one, at the same value as quoted in data books. One way of testing for the degree of purity is to determine the melting “point”, or melting range, of the sample. Heat Heating oil- needs to have boiling point higher than samples melting point and low flammability Thermometer with

  6. Page 1: Synthesis Design Practice. Page 2+3: Predict the Product Practice (including some that involve stereochemistry). Page 4: Cis/trans Stereospecific reactions: which recipe to use; which E or Z alkene to use.

  7. IF THE REACTANT IS A SINGLE COMPOUND, THE REACTION IS A DECOMPOSITION REACTION. DIRECTIONS: Determine the products of each reaction. Balance the equation. Indicate the states of matter on all reactants and products. Place the rule number for each to the right of each problem. ZnCO3 _______________________________

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