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29 sty 2013 · Learning has been defined functionally as changes in behavior that result from experience or mechanistically as changes in the organism that result from experience. Both types of...
16 wrz 2020 · Our book offers an introduction to the psychology of learning that draws on the key findings and major insights from both functional (e.g., behavior analysis) and cognitive approaches. We first...
29 sty 2013 · Whereas the cognitive approach in learning psychology aims to explain learning effects (explanandum) in terms of mental constructs (explanans), the functional approach aims to explain behavior (explanandum) in terms of regularities in the environment (explanans).
5 paź 2010 · Four learning styles are identified: concrete sequential, featuring direct, step‐by‐step, orderly, sensory‐based learning; concrete random, featuring trial and error, intuitive and independent approaches to learning; abstract sequential, featuring analytic, logical approaches and a preference for verbal instruction; and abstract random ...
A depth analysis on the concept of approach to learning is presented through discussion of research results in the literature about relationship between the approaches to learning, learning/teaching variables, and learning environments.
Chapters 9–11 cover topics relevant to and integrated with learning: motivation, self-regulated learning, and contex-tual influences. The final chapter asks learners to develop their own perspective on learning.
Two major theories of learning, classical conditioning and operant con ditioning, lie within the ambit of the behaviourist approach to studying behaviour in which the focus is on observable and measurable stimuli and responses.