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  1. Check this 69-question, Multiple-Choice Quiz with a 2-hour Video Solution on naming alkanes, alkyl halides, alkenes, alkynes, aromatic compounds, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, and compounds containing multiple functional groups.

  2. Naming Alkanes - Worksheet #2 Draw the structural formula and line angle formula for the following molecules. Remember the following: • Carbons on the end of a chain are attached to three hydrogens • Carbons in the middle of a chain are attached to two hydrogens • Carbons that have one branch attached are also attached to one hydrogen

  3. Name Period Naming Alkanes - Worksheet #2 Nam© the following branched alkanes: 1. CH2 CH2 CH3 H^C CH? 1 CH"-CH? CH CH2 CH2 CH3 CH-4 2. H-^C~ • CH?" C CHo CH CH2 1 CH3 CH, CH, CH-

  4. We have collected a myriad of naming alkanes worksheets that will be your savior. Alkanes are regarded as the most fundamental compounds in organic chemistry, they are hydrocarbons (compounds including carbons and hydrogens) whose bonds are all sigma bonds.

  5. In the following practice problems, we will go over naming alkanes using the IUPAC nomenclature rules which include finding the parent chain, numbering it to have the substituents in the correct positions, and finally putting all of this together to name the compound.

  6. Identify the class of the following compounds. For any alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatic compounds, carboxylic acids or alcohols, provide the IUPAC name of the molecule. For the four special monosubstituted benzenes, use the common name. 5-chloro-4-methyl-3-heptanone. C5H12. (3) CH3.

  7. This chemistry worksheet provides a list of 10 branched alkanes to name. Students are tasked with identifying the correct IUPAC name for each alkane structure presented. The key learning objective is to practice naming branched alkanes according to IUPAC nomenclature rules.

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