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Students. If you are a student, your login name is your student number (06#####). If you have forgotten your password, please contact your teacher. Staff. If you are staff, your login name should be your staff ID (P0#####). If you have forgotten your password, please contact your tech. Parents Accessing Pinnacle
Broward County Public Schools - Single Sign On SSO Login Instructions Broward SSO is your one-stop access to most of the website applications you use to accomplish your educational needs. (Download Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print PDF)
Buy, sell and read - eBooks, textbooks, academic materials, magazines, documents and other digital content on RedShelf, the HTML5 cloud reader and marketplace.
RedShelf recommends enabling cookies on your browser for the best eReading experience. For more information, check out RedShelf Solve . Log In To Your Account
The links below will allow students, parents, and staff to gain access to District's most commonly used applications. All data and application settings for the programs below will be the same as when you logged in with the previous launchpad. Student Login Format [Student Number] Staff Login Format
Log in with Clever Badges. District admin log in. Sign in help | Recover your account
The portal will allow you to monitor your student's academic progress, stay informed of upcoming school and district events, and allow you to communicate directly with your student's teachers. To create a new Parent Portal account, you will need a valid email address.