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  1. Italy forecasts map. Forecast of temperature, wind speed and direction, precipitation, snow, and cloud cover in Italy, up to 72 hours.

  2. SWAN wave model forecast map over the Italian domain. Meteosat Europe. Map of cloudiness animation with satellite images. Climate scenarios for Italy. Map of indicators of future climate scenarios on the national territory. The new Agency for Meteorology and Climatology “ItaliaMeteo”

  3. Mappa previsioni Italia. Previsioni di temperatura, velocità e direzione del vento, precipitazione, neve e copertura nuvolosa in Italia, fino a 72 ore.

  4. Weather forecasts and LIVE satellite images of Italy. View rain radar and maps of forecast precipitation, wind speed, temperature and more.

  5. Scoprite le nostre mappe meteorologiche professionali. Satellite HD Radar meteo Pioggia e Neve Qualità dell'aria Vento METAR.

  6. Mappe e Carte Meteo ad alta risoluzione per mari, venti, piogge, temperature, temporali, nubi, nebbia per Italia, Europa e Mediterraneo.

  7. Italy , 42.83°N 12.83°E, 673m asl. Italy. Country weather. Weather Maps.

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