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  1. › wiki › IsometryIsometry - Wikipedia

    Given a positive real number ε, an ε-isometry or almost isometry (also called a Hausdorff approximation) is a map : between metric spaces such that for x , x ′ ∈ X {\displaystyle x,x'\in X} one has | d Y ( f ( x ) , f ( x ′ ) ) − d X ( x , x ′ ) | < ε , {\displaystyle |d_{Y}(f(x),f(x'))-d_{X}(x,x')|<\varepsilon ,} and

  2. An isometry is a distance-preserving function from R3 to R3, that is, it is a function f : R3 → R3 such that |f(u) − f(v)| = |u − v| for all u, v R3. Examples include reflections, rotations and translations. Now a fundamental tool in the study of isometries is linear algebra.

  3. 29 paź 2021 · An isometry of the plane is a transformation that preserves distances between points, meaning that if A maps to A ′ and B maps to B ′, then the segments AB and A′B ′ have equal lengths. In complex coordinates, the distance between the points A and B is | a − b |.

  4. Mapowanie izometryczne (ang. Isomap, Isometric Mapping) – nieliniowa metoda analizy czynnikowej, polegająca na obliczaniu quasi-izometrycznego zanurzenia o liczbie wymiarów mniejszej, niż liczba wymiarów danych wejściowych (liczba zmiennych).

  5. Isometries in two and three dimensions. is an isometry if. < Lv; Lw >=< v; w >for all v; w 2 V . Of. course, then jjLvjj = jjvjj for all v. But the converse is also true: If jjLvjj = jjvjj for all v, then. < Lv; Lw >=< v; w > for all v; w 2 V . The proof is an easy exercise. Thus, isometries are exactly those linear transformation.

  6. An isometry from nR. n. to R. is a length-preserving mapping. Defnition 13.1. A function nf : R → R. n is an isometry if |f(u) f(v)| = |u v| for all u, nv ∈ R. Let’s take a look at two key examples. » R. n #» Example 13.2. For a matrix A ∈ O n, the linear transformation → R. n x 7→A# x. is an isometry. » #» t# » R. n ...

  7. 21 sty 2020 · An isometry is a rigid transformation that preserves length and angle measures, as well as perimeter and area. In other words, the preimage and the image are congruent, as Math Bits Notebook accurately states.

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