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Estimated Cost to Each U.S. Taxpayer of Each of the Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria June 2022 The estimated cost of this report or study for the Department of Defense is approximately...
Estimated Cost to Each U.S. Taxpayer of Each of the Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria February 2020 The estimated cost of this report or study for the Department of Defense is approximately...
6 lut 2020 · According to a new estimate by the Costs of War co-director Neta Crawford, US taxpayers have paid nearly $2 trillion in war-related costs on the Iraq war alone. Newsweek estimated that the total...
The following list includes many Costs of War papers that directly address the costs of the U.S.-led war in Iraq. Other papers on the website address the costs of the post-9/11 wars, more generally, including in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, and elsewhere.
Budget Committee staff estimated costs of a war against Iraq to be $48-93 billion if ten year costs were included. 13 An exception to the low estimates in late 2002 was Yale economist William Nordhaus who suggested that a long war could cost $140 billion in direct military
State/USAID and VA for medical costs for the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and enhanced security is $1,121 billion including: • $751 billion for Iraq; • $336 billion for Afghanistan; • $29 billion for enhanced security; and • $6 billion unallocated (see Table 1).1
that Department of Defense OCO spending for the wars in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan cost a total $7,623 per taxpayer through FY 2018.13 While it is useful to have a per-person figure to illustrate the burden of war on taxpayers, this way of estimating the cost per taxpayers is somewhat misleading for several reasons.