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  1. An infrared spectroscopy correlation table (or table of infrared absorption frequencies) is a list of absorption peaks and frequencies, typically reported in wavenumber, for common types of molecular bonds and functional groups.

  2. If an inorganic compound forms covalent bonds within an ion, it can produce a characteristic infrared spectrum. Main infrared bands of some common inorganic ions: Diatomic molecules produce one vibration along the chemical bond.

  3. IR spectra of liquids can be most often measured either in the cell composed of two windows (drop of the sample is placed between two plates of NaCl or KBr forming a thin film) or using the Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) technique.

  4. › Spectroscopy › specttutorIR Chart -

    Table of Characteristic IR Absorptions. You can download this chart as a printable acrobat pdf file. m=medium, w=weak, s=strong, n=narrow, b=broad, sh=sharp.

  5. This article will provide a table containing IR spectrum absorbtion frequency values and what they represent.

  6. Index IR-Spectroscopy & Physical Tables. IR-Window Material Infrared Tables. 2. 3. Near Infrared Table. 5. Sources. 6 Detectors Beamsplitters. Conversion Table of Energy and Wavelength Units for Far and Mid Infrared.

  7. The information in Table 6.1 can be summarized in the diagram for easier identification (Figure 6.3b), in which the IR spectrum is divided into several regions, with the characteristic band of certain groups labeled.

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