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  1. This website allows to predict and interactively analyze IR spectra.

  2. › Spectra › IRIR viewer - cheminfo

    Plate and start experiment. Spectrum viewer and comparator. You may drag and drop (or copy paste) to tab-delimited text files in order to compare 2 spectra.

  3. The following table lists infrared spectroscopy absorptions by frequency regions.

  4. Vibration Alkanes Position (cm-1) Intensity*. Notes. C-H stretch. 2990 – 2850. m to s. Alkenes. =C-H stretch C=C stretch. =C-H bend. 3100 – 3000 1680 – 1620 (sat.) 1650 – 1600 (conj.) 995 – 685.

  5. › Spectroscopy › specttutorIR Chart -

    Table of Characteristic IR Absorptions. You can download this chart as a printable acrobat pdf file. m=medium, w=weak, s=strong, n=narrow, b=broad, sh=sharp.

  6. An infrared spectroscopy correlation table (or table of infrared absorption frequencies) is a list of absorption peaks and frequencies, typically reported in wavenumber, for common types of molecular bonds and functional groups.

  7. 9.8 Create and download a ZIP. 9.9 Create bullets images and download a ZIP. 9.10 Switch between layers. 9.11 Display notifications from code executor. 9.12 Attachments. 9.13 Async code executor for image analysis. 9.14 Prime number. 9.15 Confirmation dialog box. 9.16 Decompress zip file.

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