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Poniżej znajdziesz specyfikacje produktów i instrukcje modelu Apple iPod Nano. Apple iPod Nano to mp3 player o przekątnej ekranu 2,2 cala oraz rozdzielczości 240 x 376 pikseli. Posiada wyświetlacz LCD oraz łączność przewodową.
iPod nano (2nd generation) iPod shuffle (2nd generation) iPod shuffle (1st Generation) iPod with color display. iPod nano (1st Generation) iPod with color display Harry Potter (20GB) iPod (5th generation) iPod (5 GB Scroll Wheel) ... Manuals, Specs, and Downloads. iPod. United States.
To view on iPod touch: Install the free iBooks app, then download the guide from the iBookstore.
2 gru 2020 · The iPod nano doesn't come with a manual, but you can get one. Here's where to find these downloadable manuals for every iPod nano model.
Manuals, technical specifications, downloads and more for Apple software and hardware
The official source of iPod nano manuals is the Apple website. You can simply visit the website and navigate to the Support section. From there, you can select the model of your iPod nano and access the user manual in PDF format.
Manuals, technical specifications, downloads, and more for Apple software and hardware