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View plans and proposals prior to January 2022 in the Document Portal. To see more recent plans and proposals, view the list below. Need help finding specific plans and proposals?
The Iowa DOT's Contracts Bureau normally has a highway letting the third Tuesday of each month. These lettings include interstate, primary and secondary road work, and maintenance projects. The Iowa DOT also lets local projects that involve federal aid.
ESTIMATED TARGET FOR CONSTRUCTION LETTING Recognize that plans and proposals are not currently available for the following projects.The letting dates Indicated are estimated target dates only they are subject to change. Lettings further into the future are subject to more variability.
24 wrz 2024 · The Iowa DOT typically schedules bid lettings on specific dates published well in advance. This gives contractors time to prepare and submit their bids. See the “Letting Schedule Critical Dates” document for 2024-2026. The DOT also advertises letting dates in the Des Moines Register. Bid Letting Process Overview
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Plans, specifications and proposal forms for the work may be seen at the Office of Contracts until noon on the day previous to the letting. A listing of projects open for bids and details for each project will be available to potential bidders and suppliers three weeks prior to the letting date at Office of Contracts l Project Delivery Bureau
How do I do business with the Iowa DOT? The Iowa DOT has a letting every four weeks. Bids are due by 10:00 A.M. on the day of the letting. The letting is held at the Iowa DOT Office of Contracts on the third Tuesday of every month except January when it is held on the third Wednesday.