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  1. Recommended vaccinations from birth to 6 years | CDC. Schedule from birth to 6 years (PDF) Preteens and teens. Recommended vaccinations from 7 to 18 years | CDC. Schedule from 7 to 18 years (PDF) Adults. Recommended vaccinations aged 19 years and older | CDC. Schedule for 19 years and older (PDF)

  2. › immunizations › schoolRequirements | Texas DSHS

    Requirements for school-age children and young adults entering college can change yearly. Please ensure your child has the proper immunizations for the upcoming school year. Vaccine exemptions cannot be sent electronically.

  3. For students aged 11 – 15 years, two doses meet the requirement if adult hepatitis B vaccine (Recombivax®) was received. Dosage (10 mcg /1.0 mL) and type of vaccine (Recombivax®) must be clearly documented. If Recombivax® was not the vaccine received, a three dose series is required.

  4. › immunizations › publicGeneral Public | Texas DSHS

    CDC recommends the frequencies and types of vaccines depending on a person's age. Vaccine schedules are divided by age categories beginning with birth to 6 years, 7-18 years, and adults. You can also find CDC-recommended vaccines for pregnant women. (External link)

  5. requirements by the Texas Education Code, Chapter 38. A student shall show acceptable evidence of vaccination prior to entry, attendance, or transfer to a public or private elementary or secondary school in Texas.

  6. Many legal requirements regarding health-related issues apply to minors. Under Texas law, a patient is considered a “minor” if he or she is younger than 18, has never been married, and has not been legally declared an emancipated minor (Texas Family Code, Adolescence is not “one size fits all.” There are three recognized developmental stages.

  7. 10 mar 2011 · IAC's summary of recommendations for adults ; Vaccine information for travelers. Texas Children's Travel Medicine Clinic ; What you need to know about vaccines and travel

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