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Use the MySQL INTERSECT operator to find the rows that are common to multiple query results. Use INTERSECT DISTINCT to remove the duplicates from the result sets and INTERSECT ALL to retain the duplicates.
1 lip 2024 · In MySQL, the INTERSECT operator is used to find common records between two result sets. However, MySQL does not support the INTERSECT operator natively. To achieve similar functionality, you can use alternative methods such as INNER JOINs or subqueries.
A general replacement for INTERSECT in MYSQL is inner join: SELECT DISTINCT * FROM (SELECT f1, f2, f3... FROM table1 WHERE f1>0) INNER JOIN (SELECT f1, f2, f3... FROM table2 WHERE f1>0) USING(primary_key) Or for your case specifically:
INTERSECT limits the result from multiple query blocks to those rows which are common to all. Example: mysql> TABLE a; +------+------+. | m | n |. +------+------+. | 1 | 2 |. | 2 | 3 |. | 3 | 4 |. +------+------+. 3 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> TABLE b; +------+------+. | m | n |. +------+------+. | 1 | 2 |.
INTERSECT – część wspólna zbiorów. Do wyznaczenia części wspólnej zbiorów, używamy operatora INTERSECT. Podobnie jak EXCEPT, zaimplementowany w SQL Server, został również tylko jako INTERSECT DISTINCT, czyli części wspólna dwóch zbiorów z usunięciem duplikatów.
INTERSECT: Combine only those rows which the results of two query blocks have in common, omitting any duplicates. EXCEPT: For two query blocks A and B, return all results from A which are not also present in B, omitting any duplicates.
This MySQL tutorial explains how to use the INTERSECT operator with syntax and examples. Although there is no INTERSECT operator in MySQL, you can easily simulate this type of query using either the IN clause or the EXISTS clause.