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Interchange is a location in Escape from Tarkov. It is the fifth map that was added to the game. The South Interchange is a key transport location for the city. This strategic area connects the port and harbor with the industrial outskirts of Tarkov.
The Key to Success is a Quest in Escape from Tarkov. Must be level 26 to start this quest. Obtain the Clothes design handbook - Part 1 on Interchange Hand over the Clothes design handbook - Part 1...
This extensive guide provides blueprints to mapping interchange’s layout, locating essential keys, understanding AI patterns, and most importantly, extracting with your hard-earned prize. Overview of the Intricate Interchange Layout
Taking and ripping inspiration from the mind of u/foreverfidel, I have made a printable pdf of an organized guide book with different sections for every map in the game, with extraction maps, some stash maps, etc. There is also a section for ammo.
25 cze 2022 · There are plenty of stashes & loot to be found on the Interchange map. The most important thing is to use hidden garage passages to your advantage for reaching the specific loot you need easily. Use your surroundings to your advantage and keep away from the Scav spawn points if possible.
29 mar 2022 · Here’s a complete guide on how to navigate it. The map is fashioned around an “Ultra” Mall in its center that is maze-like to shift through while being surrounded by several key locations such as the Scav Camp, the Power Plant, and the Railway.
5 lip 2022 · If you're wanting to get to know the Escape From Tarkov Interchange map, then look no further than this guide for all the best loot spots, scav runs, and extractions.