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27 lip 2024 · The International Normalized Ratio (INR) calculator is a simple, free tool to assess the unified prothrombin time (PT), and its meaning. It's an easy way to evaluate both the extrinsic pathway and the common pathway of coagulation.
- CHA2DS2-Vasc Calculator
The technical part of using our calculator is very simple -...
- Warfarin Dosing Calculator
It doesn't matter if you want to take matters into your own...
- Age-Adjusted D-dimer Calculator
In order to use the Age-Adjusted D-dimer calculator, you...
- HAS-BLED Calculations
The HAS-BLED calculator takes into consideration nine...
- Geneva Score
The Revised Geneva Score from 2006 is a simple tool that...
- Child Pugh Calculator
One of the parameters assessed in the Child-Pugh score is...
- Absolute Eosinophil Count
The normal total eosinophil count range is 0.04-0.45 × 10³...
- Wells Score
In our calculator, we call it the "3-level classification"....
- CHA2DS2-Vasc Calculator
30 paź 2024 · Kalkulator INR (międzynarodowy współczynnik znormalizowany, z angielskiego International Normalized Ratio) to proste, bezpłatne narzędzie do oceny czasu protrombinowego (PT) i jego znaczenia. Jest to łatwy sposób na ewaluację zarówno zewnątrzpochodnego, jak i wspólnego szlaku krzepnięcia.
This INR calculator determines the international normalized ratio to help with monitoring effectiveness of anticoagulation therapy.
Wskaźnik INR (International Normalized Ratio) obliczany jest na podstawie czasu protrombinowego (PT) pacjenta. Czas protrombinowy to czas, w jakim plasma krwi pacjenta krzepnie po dodaniu określonego reagenta.
The Science Behind INR Calculation. The INR is calculated using the following formula: INR = (PT patient / PT control) ^ ISI. PT patient: The prothrombin time for the patient being tested. PT control: The prothrombin time for a control sample provided by the laboratory.
This online calculator is used to figure out the prothrombin time or INR ratio. The INR is a standardized prothrombin time designed to account for differences in thromboplastin. Anyone may need this test if you take medicines, such as warfarin, that change the way your blood clots. Formula: INR = (PT patient /PT normal) ISI. Where,
19 lut 2009 · The international normalized ratio (INR) is a standardized number that's figured out in the lab. If you take blood thinners, also called anti-clotting medicines or anticoagulants, it's especially important to check your INR. The INR is figured out using the results of the prothrombin time (PT) test.