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  1. › wiki › SaturnSaturn - Wikipedia

    Saturn este a șasea planetă de la Soare și a doua ca mărime din Sistemul Solar, după Jupiter.

  2. Informatii Planeta Saturn. Planeta Saturn, a șasea planetă de la soare, este faimoasă pentru inelele sale. Când Galileo Galilei s-a uitat pentru prima oară la Saturn la începutul anilor 1600, el a crezut că este o entitate compusă din trei părți, cu o planetă pe o parte și două luni enorme pe cealaltă. Christiaan Huygens a propus ...

  3. Saturn has 52 known natural satellites, or moons, and there are probably many more waiting to be discovered. Saturn's largest satellite, Titan, is a bit bigger than the planet Mercury.

  4. 12 sty 2024 · Charakterystyka Saturna. Saturn jest imponującym kolosem, o średnicy około 120 536 kilometrów. Jego ogromna masa sprawia, że jest drugim największym ciałem w Układzie Słonecznym, zaraz po Jowiszu. Saturn posiada także wiele księżyców, co czyni go jeszcze bardziej interesującym obiektem do badania.

  5. 21 lip 2018 · Tak naprawdę Saturn jest otoczony przez siedem pierścieni, ale tylko trzy są doskonale widoczne z powierzchni Ziemi, nawet przy użyciu słabych instrumentów optycznych. Szacuje się, że średnica tego charakterystycznego układu pierścieni Saturna wynosi 250 tysięcy kilometrów, a ich grubość to tylko 1,5 kilometra.

  6. Introduction. Like fellow gas giant Jupiter, Saturn is a massive ball made mostly of hydrogen and helium. Saturn is not the only planet to have rings, but none are as spectacular or as complex as Saturn's. Saturn also has dozens of moons.

  7. Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second-largest planet in our solar system. Like fellow gas giant Jupiter, Saturn is a massive ball made mostly of hydrogen and helium. Saturn is not the only planet to have rings, but none are as spectacular or as complex as Saturn's.

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