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Register and file this tax online via INTIME. Discover essential forms for withholding tax. Find important information regarding withholding tax forms from the Indiana Department of Revenue (DOR).
- Wh-4
State of Indiana Employee’s Withholding Exemption and County...
- Wh-4
State of Indiana Employee’s Withholding Exemption and County Status Certificate This form is for the employer’s records. Do not send this form to the Department of Revenue. The completed form should be returned to your employer.
Discover essential forms for individual income tax in 2020. Find the proper forms for Full-Year, and Part-Year residents and nonresidents.
This form should be completed by all resident and nonresident employees having income subject to Indiana state and/or county in come tax. Print or type your full name, social security number and home address on the appropriate lines of the Form WH-4.
State of Indiana Employee’s Withholding Exemption and County Status Certificate This form is for the employer’s records. Do not send this form to the Department of Revenue. The completed form should be returned to your employer.
1 sty 2021 · Enter your Indiana county of residence and county of principal employment as of January 1 of the current year. If you neither lived nor worked in Indiana on January 1 of the current year, enter ‘not applicable’ on the line(s).
This form should be completed by all resident and nonresident employees having income subject to Indiana state and/or county income tax. Print or type your full name, Social Security number or ITIN and home address.