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In October 1977—10 years, 9 months, and 26 days after the start of the intensified campaign—the last endemic case of smallpox was recorded in Somalia. National staf and WHO oficials embarked on an intense program of tracing contacts, quarantine, and vaccination.
In response to the situation, in 1962 the government of India launched the National Smallpox Eradication Program (NSEP) with a focus on mass vaccination of the population. It poured money into the vaccine manufacturing industry and hired healthcare workers to perform inoculations.
13 gru 2020 · To estimate the impact of a smallpox attack in Mumbai, India, examine the impact of case isolation and ring vaccination for epidemic containment and test the health system capacity under different scenarios with available interventions.
One method was variolisation or inoculation in which a person was inoculated with a small amount of live smallpox virus taken from the scabs or pus of ill patients who had a mild form of the disease. Such inoculations reduced the fatality rate from 30 percent to about 1 percent.
8 maj 2010 · Download PDF. A momentous act, regarded as impossible by many, occurred in May, 1980. The World Health Assembly, hosted by WHO in Geneva, certified that smallpox had been eradicated globally.
Center for Global Development (undated) Case Study 1: Eradicating Smallpox. Available online on their website. The calculations are based on the cost of caring for a smallpox patient ($2.85 in India), a person's economic productivity over their life time and each developing countries' population as well as the estimated number of smallpox cases ...
2 gru 2019 · Claiming over 300 million lives in the 20th century alone, smallpox killed 3 out every 10 person it infected. Thanks to women like Mary Guinan and Cornelia E Davis, India was able to rid itself of the disease.