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IMCA M 252, Guidance on position reference systems and sensors for DP operations, contains a wealth of information on the selection and use of Position Reference Systems and the operational considerations and failure modes of each system.
Existing IMCA PRS guidance documents will be available for a period of at least 6 months following publication of this document. The purpose of this document is to summarise best practice for the selection and use of position reference systems (PRS) and sensors in dynamic positioning (DP) control systems.
Built on more than 50 years of shared industry experiences, our Technical Library offers more than 700 Guidance documents and Information Notes which, taken together, outline the recommended current best practice for safer working offshore. Find out more about the types of IMCA documents and our definitions.
These have included new guidance documents, IMCA’s framework for competence assurance and assessment schemes, the Common Marine Inspection Document (CMID), the introduction of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code; and there have been a number of lessons learned.
Activity Specific Operating Guidelines and set out the operational, environmental and equipment performance limits considered necessary for safe DP operations while carrying out a specific activity.
Accepted industry guidance that forms the basis of safe DP operations is the International Maritime Organization (IMO) MSC/Circ.645 – Guidelines for vessels with dynamic positioning systems.
Guidelines for dynamic positioning system (DP) operator training. This document recommends the use of IMCA M 117 – The training and experience of key DP personnel [International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA)].