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Find service locations and referrals near you by searching by city or ZIP Code, keyword of help you need, or name of service. Choose the type of location: Illinois workNet/American Jobs Center
Map of All Illinois workNet Centers and Affiliates. What can we help you find? Find service locations and referrals near you by searching by city or ZIP Code, keyword of help you need, or name of service.
The WIOA Application is ONLY available through local Illinois workNet Center/American Job Centers. Find a Center near you by visiting the Service Finder and filtering by City or Zip Code: IllinoisworkNet.
The Illinois workNet center has a live listing of places that provide job training, career preparation services, and employment-related workshops. To determine if your development is located near one of these employment resources, please follow these directions.
An Illinois workNet Partner, Chicago, IL 60620 Phone: : 773-783-3760.
Visit the Illinois workNet ® Homepage to continue your search for Job Fairs, Events, Workshops and more job search assistance in your area. Look for the search field at the top, center of the page and enter your zip code to see a list of results.
Find service locations and referrals near you by searching by city or zipcode, keyword of help you need, or name of service. Choose the type of location: WIOA Comprehensive, Affiliate, and Specialized Illinois workNet Centers