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2023 Form IL-2210 Instructions. 2023 IL-1040 Schedule IL-E/EIC Instructions. 2023 IL-1040 Schedule IL-WIT Instructions. 2023 IL-1040 Schedule NR Instructions. Business or Farm Income Apportionment Formula (IAF) Worksheet. 2023 Form IL-1040 Instructions. Mailing your income tax return:
IL-1040 Instructions (R-12/23) Printed by authority of the state of Illinois. Electronic only, one copy. File your return electronically! Visit or see your tax professional. Enter your correct Social Security number (SSN) and name. If you are married, you must include your spouse’s SSN and name.
Documents are in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). Before viewing these documents you may need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader. Having problems viewing and/or printing a form?
Print or download 76 Illinois Income Tax Forms for FREE from the Illinois Department of Revenue.
If you are trying to locate, download, or print state of Illinois tax forms, you can do so on the Illinois Department of Revenue Website. The most common Illinois income tax form is the IL-1040. This form is used by Illinois residents who file an individual income tax return.
For the most up-to-date information, forms, schedules, and instructions for the 2023 tax season, please visit IDOR's website at:
1 sty 2024 · To use the tax tables in this booklet, follow the steps below. Step 1 Find the table for your payroll period (i.e., how often you pay your employee). Step 2 Read down the column labeled “Wages” and locate the dollar range that contains the amount of your employee’s wages.