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16 mar 2016 · I can do so by killing it, that is, by pressing Ctrl-C: db2 => select * from view_with_inefficient_long_running_query ^C SQL0952N Processing was cancelled due to an interrupt. SQLSTATE=57014 # db2 +c -m db2 =>
9 mar 2010 · I recommending a "kill -9" A straight "kill" should be used first. Wait a few minutes and give the system time to gracefully kill the process. If that does not work a "kill -9" can be done, but be aware that it may leave zombie processes because it kills without closing applications down appropriately. In some cases, you can also "Hup" a process.
To kill the job report in job stream apwkly (0600 03/05/06) on workstation site3, run the following command: kill site3#apwkly (0600 03/05/06).report. To kill job number 124 running on workstation geneva, run the following command: kill geneva#124.
13 mar 2012 · You can use this command to kill it: db2 force application (xx) Where xx is the ID (or a comma-delimited list of IDs). Here is the DB2 for Linux/Unix/Windows v9.7 Information Center article on FORCE APPLICATION, and here is the one for LIST APPLICATIONS.
11 maj 2004 · How can we kill a long running query in DB2? In the front end, we have one cancel button.When the user clicks cancel button, the query should stop processing. Regards, Siva
10 gru 2005 · Hello, If you have permission to delete the jobs, you should be able to do this using sdsf in batch (there several topics about batch sdsf in the forum). If you find a batch sdsf execution and have questions, post what you found and the question (s) about it. Back to top.
You can use the kill command to stop a job in progress. Overview. When you use the kill command, the action is performed by IBM Workload Automation production process, so there might be a short delay.