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Find savings and support resources, including information about Lilly's Insulin Value Savings Card and LillyDirect™, an option to connect you to resources, including home delivery of your medicine.
Check your eligibility for savings on relevant medications and sign up for free support with TeamingUp for Diabetes.
Humalog - działanie, wskazania, dawkowanie, przeciwwskazania, interakcje, refundacja, cena. Lek przeciwcukrzycowy zmniejszający stężenie glukozy we krwi (lek hipoglikemizujący). Preparat zawiera insulinę lizpro (analog insuliny ludzkiej) o szybkim początku działania.
Lilly is committed to helping people with diabetes access affordable medicines. Anyone who is uninsured, uses commercial insurance, Medicaid, or is enrolled in a participating Medicare plan is eligible to buy their monthly prescription of Lilly insulin for $35 – regardless of the number of pens or vials.
Humalog ma 6 rodzajów opakowań refundowanych. Poziomy odpłatności dostępne dla leku to: 100% (cena detaliczna), ryczałt, lek bezpłatny dla seniorów, lek bezpłatny dla kobiet w ciąży. sprawdź dostępność i cenę leku gdzie po lek
Discounts for diabetes medicines. Lilly provides automatic discounts for people with commercial insurance who buy their Lilly insulin at participating retail pharmacies. The automatic discount brings the monthly prescription down to $35 for people with commercial insurance plans without requiring use of a Savings Card.
Through the Lilly Insulin Value Program, all Lilly insulins are available for $35 a month whether you have commercial insurance or no insurance. These savings cover all Lilly insulins. 1. Download Savings Card. 2. Print or present mobile device to pharmacist. 3. Receive discounted Lilly insulin.