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  1. HSX Connect is expanding the data set of patients and connected entities across larger populations to increase the value of the HIE. As new products and services are added across the HSX brand, this data set will benefit a variety of initiatives, including public health, value-based care services, quality improvement programs, National ...

  2. › interoperability-hie › health-information-exchange-hieMoving From EHR Integration to HIE Integration

    28 kwi 2021 · Now in addition to integrating with the user’s electronic health record, the application is bringing data from the HealthShare Exchange (HSX) health information exchange to the point of care.

  3. HSX links disparate electronic medical record (EMR) systems of hospitals, health systems and healthcare stakeholders across the continuum of care along with the clinical data of healthcare insurers for Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.

  4. HSX links disparate electronic medical record (EMR) systems of hospitals, health systems and healthcare stakeholders across the continuum of care along with the clinical data of healthcare insurers for Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.

  5. 24 mar 2015 · A test of the HSXs success will be how well it serves the region’s payers and providers as they work in accountable care — such as the Delaware Valley ACO, serving 32,000 Medicare beneficiaries already.

  6. 29 sty 2018 · Throughout Pennsylvania, there are five state-approved regional HIEs that operate under the eHealth Partnership Authority, of which the leaders of two of them—the Keystone Health Information Exchange (KeyHIE) and the HealthShare Exchange of Southeastern Pennsylvania (HSX)—were interviewed for this article.

  7. 5 cze 2023 · How will the forward evolution of TEFCA and the QHIN architecture affect your work? To me, the QHIN becomes a new set of pipes to connect across a larger regional area, tri-state area—Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey and beyond.

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