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  1. › wiki › HSBCHSBC - Wikipedia

    HSBC Holdings plc (Chinese: 滙豐; acronym from its founding member The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation) is a British universal bank and financial services group headquartered in London, England, with historical and business links to East Asia and a multinational footprint. It is the largest Europe-based bank by total assets, ahead of BNP Paribas, with US$2.919 trillion as of ...

  2. HSBC dostarcza 100 milionom klientów pełny zakres usług finansowych: konta osobiste, karty kredytowe, kredyty, ubezpieczenia, inwestycje i inne. Bankowość komercyjna. W skład tej grupy wchodzi 2,5 miliona małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw.

  3. › wiki › BankaBanka - Wikipedia

    Banka është krijuar në baze të një sistem që ka për qellim të merret me depozitat monetare, ruajtjen e kursimeve të klientëve dhe huadhënien për qëllime financiare. Shërbimet e saj ofrohen nëpërmjet një rrjet agjensishe.

  4. HSBC Bank Polska S.A. offers Consumer finance, Corporate banking and Treasury services in Poland. Its headquarters are in Piłsudski Square, Warsaw. Polski Kredyt Bank S.A. joins the HSBC Group.

  5. HSBC Bank Polska S.A. (d. Prosper Bank S.A., Polski Kredyt Bank S.A.) – bank uniwersalny z siedzibą w Warszawie, działający w latach 1990–2019. W latach 1993–1997 był przedmiotem przymusowej restrukturyzacji prowadzonej przez Narodowy Bank Polski.

  6. › wiki › HSBC_BankHSBC Bank - Wikipedia

    HSBC Bank may refer to any one of the following principal local banks or divisions of the HSBC Group:

  7. HSBC was born from one simple idea – a local bank serving international needs. In March 1865, HSBC opened its doors for business in Hong Kong, helping to finance trade between Europe and Asia. We have been supporting our customers for more than 150 years.

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