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From 3D plan modelling through to on-site decision-making, you must bring each project to life while adding your own creative touches, to take your architectural firm to the pinnacle of the profession.
30 lip 2021 · Here’s a list of the top 25 games (Android/iOS/PC/Xbox/Playstation) that are best for architects right now. Without any further ado, let’s get started! The first recommendation that we have is none other than the most-streamed EA Maxis game, SimCity, a building game with an immense following.
29 maj 2024 · Create the ideal home! From 3D plan modelling through to on-site decision-making, you must bring each project to life while adding your own creative touches, to take your architectural firm to...
29 maj 2024 · Here's your look at the Architect Life: A House Design Simulator reveal trailer and get ready to take your design ambitions to the next level in this game that's coming to Xbox Series X/S, PS5...
29 maj 2024 · Check out the reveal trailer for Architect Life: A House Design Simulator. Draw up your plans, build your design and then put the final touches on your masterpiece by furnishing your creation.
1. hra - Architekti Architekti predstavujú interaktívnu hru, ktorá deti zabaví, donúti ich precvičiť si prsty a zároveň aj mozgové závity. Zabezpečte deťom potrebný materiál, vysvetlite im princípy a nechajte ich zabaviť sa.
Navyše je hra 7 divov sveta: Architekti veľmi svižná, bežný herný čas sa pohybuje okolo 25 minút. V rámci jedného ťahu si každý hráč vyberá z ponuky troch dostupných kariet postáv. S týmito kartami môžu hráči získať zdroje na stavbu divov, robiť vedecké objavy či bojovať s ostatnými hráčmi.