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When you start repaying your student loan, your monthly repayments, what to do if you have 2 jobs or are self-employed, how to get a refund if you've overpaid.
When you start repaying your student loan, your monthly repayments, what to do if you have 2 jobs or are self-employed, how to get a refund if you've overpaid.
When you start repaying your student loan, your monthly repayments, what to do if you have 2 jobs or are self-employed, how to get a refund if you've overpaid.
5 wrz 2024 · Everything you need to know about Student Loan repayments, including whether you're on Plan 1, 2, 4 or 5, how much you'll repay and when the loan is cancelled.
How you'll repay depends on what you choose to do after your course: If you start work, your employer will automatically take 9% of your income above the threshold from your salary, along with tax and National Insurance. If you're self-employed, you’ll make repayments at the same time as you pay tax through self-assessment.
4 cze 2024 · If you're moving overseas for longer than three months, you need to contact the Student Loans Company (SLC) to sort out your Student Loan repayments. While you're living in the UK, you don't generally need to think much about repaying your Student Loan.
Student Loan Calculator. Calculate the real cost of your UK Student Loan. If you are an English, Welsh, Scottish or EU student with a UK Student Loan, you can use this calculator to find out: How much student loan debt you could graduate with. Potential repayment costs per year. How long it could take to pay off your student loan debt.