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Copy and paste your text into the online editor to count its words and characters, check keyword density, and correct writing mistakes. Bookmark it now, it’s free and easy.
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Copy and paste your text into the online editor to count its...
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A number of free online tools and calculators to help...
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Text length has a huge influence on performance of your...
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Code for a free online word counter you can place on your...
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Philippa on The Ideal Length of Everything You Write Online...
- Character Count
Character counter can make sure you don't accidentally go...
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A free online word counter tool that counts the number of words instantly in your text as you type! No signup required.
Just copy your text and paste it into the input box, or start typing directly if you’re feeling inspired. You’ll instantly see an accurate count of words, characters, paragraphs, and more. The cool part? You can tweak your content right there in the tool without having to open another app or document.
Our free online word counter provides instant and accurate word, character, paragraph and sentence counts. Enjoy a simple and intuitive design.
Use our free Word Counter tool to count words, characters, lines, etc. instantly. Analyze your text efficiently with PixiTools.
Use our free Word Counter tool to easily count words, characters, and sentences. Find out how many words or characters are in your text with our accurate tool. Perfect for writers, students, and professionals.
Word counter automatically count words, character (with and without spaces), syllables, sentences, paragraphs, unique words, keywords density, difficult words and many other word count statistics. Word counter shows you the top keyword density of the item you are writing in a robotic manner.