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I’m excited to use my XReal Air (previously Nreal Air) AR glasses in public but it lacks the sunglasses feel with the small inner reflection of the screens visible outside. ...more.
10000+ "glass arm" printable 3D Models. Every Day new 3D Models from all over the World. ... Glasses_Adapters_for_Full_Facepieces . Download: free Website: MyMiniFactory. ... Tags MPMD adjustable magnetic bed clip , , , , Download: free Website: Thingiverse. add to list. order this print Tags Shutter Shades of ...
Discover our selection of the best 3D files for 3D printers to make vision glasses or sunglasses. All these STL files are easily printable in 3D, so you just have to download them, heat up your 3D printer and then of course add glasses.
You can choose to print the glasses yourself or print it at a 3D print service like Shapeways or iMaterialise. But best of all get them printed locally with 3dhubs to get your prints quickly and also help local 3dprinter owners (like me).
Before the boolean union, draw a curve across the arm in the space between the hinge. Use this curve to split your arm from the frame. Then boolean union the appropriate hinge pieces to the frame and arm. Next you can mirror your half-frame and arm to make a whole one and get ready for 3D printing!
In this guide, we’ll walk through design and material considerations for 3D printed glasses, case studies of current manufacturers leveraging the power of 3D printing in the eyewear industry, and ROI calculations to help you build a business case.
Print the Template: Search for a 3D glasses template online and print it on an A4 paper. There are several designs available, so pick one that suits your preference. 3. Cut Out the Template: Carefully cut out the template using scissors. Be sure to cut along the lines of the template without cutting into the actual design. 4.