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16 wrz 2023 · Welcome to our DIY Robotic Hand Science Project tutorial! In this video, we'll guide you through the exciting process of creating your own robotic hand from scratch. It's not only a...
Step 1: Gather Your Supplies. Supplies Needed: Tape. Scissors. Cardboard paper or cardstock paper. Standard drinking straws (Dollar Store variety is fine) Pearl drink straws or bigger diameter straws. Yarn or twine. Step 2: Draw Your Robotic Hand. Trace your hand on a cardboard or cardstock paper.
Imagine how cool it would be to build a robot hand that could grasp a ball or pick up a toy. In this robotics engineering project, you will learn how to use drinking straws, sewing thread, and a little glue to make a remarkably lifelike and useful robot hand.
How to Make a Robotic Hand Model. Materials: Cardstock paper. Pencil. Drinking straws. Jumbo-sized straw (smoothie or boba tea straw) Scissors. Yarn. Tape. Instructions: 1. Trace your hand and the wrist on a piece of cardstock paper. You can also use your child’s hand (we did!) but do note that the robot hand is easier with a bigger hand. 2.
Build a Robotic Hand from cardboard and control it with a micro:bit and our Bit Board! We've seen a lot of robotic hand projects, and they tend to be expensive and/or complicated.
Step 1: Preparation. First, I gathered all of my materials and traced my hand on the cardboard. I traced my left hand because I wanted to wear the robot hand on my right. Step 2: The Hand. Then, I cut out my hand on cardboard. I used an old moving box because the thicker the cardboard the better. I added creases where they are naturally on my hand.
6 lip 2020 · It's HCPL's Summer Reading Program STEM Week! Watch and learn how to make a robotic hand! Visit our Summer Reading 2020 page for more cool science, technolo...